
"UCHIMAME" is hidden slow food--
It has high antioxidant effect and soy beans ingredient.

"UCHIMAME" is functional food gathering power of soy beans

"UCHIMAME" is process food grinded and dried. So, it has many functional ingredients (soy isoflavone, soybean saponin, soy lecithin)

Functional ingredients of soy beans


It has strong antioxidant effects, and changes active oxygen to harmless substance.

Soy isoflavone

It works like female hormone. It helps relief of menopausal symptoms.

Soybean saponin

Prevent of Arteriosclerosis, myocardial infarction.
Improvement of immunity system, blood flow, liver function.

soy beans

Soy lecithin

Prevent of Alzheimer dementia, Arteriosclerosis, Improvement of liver function, lipid metabolism, beautiful skin.


It helps lipid metabolism and body fat breakdown, and reduce cholesterol levels.
Prevent of high blood pressure, fatty liver, cholesterol

For the sake of getting that ingredient efficiently, we need to have soy beans meal one-two times every day.
Component analysis result becomes clear that we can eat "UCHIMAME" which has these soy beans functional ingredients without discharge.

"UCHIMAME" antioxidant power

This graph is comparison of antioxidant capacity and total polyphenols between soy beans recipe.

It shows "UCHIMAME" and "MISO" are high value about Polyphenol.
Boiled "UCHIMAME" by 15minitues gain antioxidant capacity and total polyphenols. Beside including MISO has more high level of value.
From this, "UCHIMAMEJIRU"(UCHIMAME miso soup) is Antioxidant food that we can take efficiently and easily.

※comparison between soy beans recipe (jinai junior college)


Defense capability of Arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, lifestyle disease.
Ex. Polyphenol, catechin, coenzyme q10

total polyphenols

It has high Antioxidant power, and helps remove active oxygen
Ex. catechin, isoflavone, Anthocyanin